How Fabric Stories are Born

Vlisco releases its designs untitled; they return with names and stories.
Created in The Netherlands, Vlisco designs come to life in Africa where Wholesale Partners and clients name them. This tradition is part of Vlisco’s uniqueness - it is the only brand in the world where the recipient names the product and gives a special meaning to the design.
There is a poetic universe in every Vlisco. This is, in large part, because of the stories they receive from people who love them, wear them, collect and trade them. They are embraced as cultural treasures and given meaning. Certain Vlisco designs are adopted as symbols of joie-de-vivre, others convey marital wisdom. One could represent a proverb on the nature of two-faced friendships. Others are worn as celebrations of success, a show of flirtatious interest, or a symbol of prosperity. The meaning can even be used as a secret code or language among the people wearing them.
Many Vlisco classics have their own local legends, but they evolve. Some of the most famous are ‘Don't get married empty-handed’, Record, ABC, Jumping Horse, The Happy Family, ‘You leave, I leave’, Six Bougies, Fan, Speedbird, Helmet. These designs become part of the collective zeitgeist. Their naming process is, however, endless. For every community and in every era, a Vlisco design can acquire a new identity and story. This is an ever-changing process, up to each individual and their imagination.